Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Preparing a Succulent Cluster

Last weekend I finally got to the store to pick up some succulent potting soil.  I'd gotten some other soil recently but realized it was not really that great, plus succulent's need very drainable soil, something with sand in it.  Anyway, so I went around to my succulents and took some clippings that I'd already set over the bad soil and stuck them into individual pots in the new good soil.

For this little terrarium glass I got at the thrift store for 50 cents, I placed some stones in the bottom and set some of the succulent soil down on top.  I then planted a nice rosette from my echeveria plant.  This one already had some roots established, so I am hoping it grows nicely in this little bulbous home.

Here you can see my sedum plant has sprouted some new "branches."  I figured these would be good candidates to pluck off and attempt to propagate with.

I accidentally knocked that one petal off during this process, so I'm going to see if that thing roots as well.  This is all experimental!

I set the clippings above adjacent to a tray filled with stones and water, in which I have set all my succulent plants.  I find that with a lot of succulents, you are advised to let the clippings dry out for a couple days, then stick them in or near moist soil until they sprout roots.  By the weekend I should be in a position to stick these in potting soil.

Below you can see the whole arrangement with all the various succulents... and a baby orchid thrown in the mix.  This window faces East so they get pretty solid direct sunlight for about 5 hours.

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