Monday, March 23, 2015

Gerber Re-Bloom!

I was about to can this gerber from last year, as 80% of the leaves had fallen off or gone yellowish/droopy.  I grabbed the pot from the window sill to start extracting the leaves when I noticed the tiniest little furry bud in the center of the leafy dried mass.  I figured, what would it hurt to leave it another month and see what happens?  Well, lo and behold!  A bloom emerges!!

March 23, 2015
Finally some new growth!

March 23, 2015
A big ol' bloom!

March 1, 2015
Hardly any new growth in months.

March 1, 2015
The tiniest bud in the center!
The little ones have not shown signs of blooming quite yet, they are still relatively small.  This larger one I had purchased last year in mid-April, I believe.  I will be very pleased if I can get another spring and summer of blooms from this plant!

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