Sunday, December 28, 2014

Surprise Sunflowers!

Evidently some seeds fell out of the sunflowers I had on my stoop this summer and into the pot of soil, which I have been reusing as extra fill in some of my propagations this winter.  In like 3 days, sprouts shot up out of the prayer plant pot to a height (and with a growth rate) that removed any doubt about the sprouts being new prayers popping up.

I don't expect these sunflowers to last long, as there is probably not nearly enough sun for them these next few months.  Frankly, I don't know what ignited their growth in the first place - perhaps just adding water woke them up?  I'd have thought they'd require some sort of dormant time after growth, but maybe the water, sun and (indoor) temperature threw off the growth cycle.  One of the three sprouts has already shriveled up, for the remaining two it is only a matter of time.

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