Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Spider Plant "babies"

A couple weeks ago a coworker offered me the opportunity to pluck as many spider "babies" as I wanted from his office-dwelling mama spider.  Not wanting to be too greedy, I snatched up five!  After about 2 weeks semi-submerged in water, most of the babies started to show some distinct root growth.  I decided to just go ahead and pot them all in some fresh soil.

It's kind of hard to see on this surface but the image below is a close-up of some of this "significant" root growth I observed.

The baby below doesn't really have any noticeable root growth, but I'm sure it will root eventually and perhaps the moist soil will be a more appropriate environment to foster that kind of growth anyway.

Using the new standard procedure, I rinsed some river rock, laid some down in the cleaned out baby food jars and loaded up with a custom blend of soil.  I think I used some new and some "old" cactus blend soil (which contains sand) and some perlite, in a ratio of about 6 or 7 to 1.

And here they are all lined up in their new abodes!  Since there wasn't much of a root or base for these little rascals, they are kind of just sitting on top of the soil.  Hopefully that's good enough and they can nestle themselves in.  I figure "in nature" the little babies dangle off of the mama until they root down presumably in place.

I should note that these have been kept in the office, I brought them home only to pot them.  They are back at the office, which doesn't have any direct sunlight, and is actually quite dark other than the subtle desk lighting I have in place as well as some bleak overhead lighting.  I have been assured that these suckers are resilient even in the most doubtful interior environments... we'll see!

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