Sunday, January 31, 2016

New Babe! Laceleaf (Anthurium)

Ok so this babe is not exactly *new* in the sense that I received it as a gift back in May of last year.  However, realizing I had not made a post a.) in quite some time and b.) about this plant ever, now is as good a time as ever to release it to the blog-o-sphere!

I can't find any photos of this plant over the summer when it had quite a few blooms in progress.  I anticipate that in spring the blooms will return.  You can see one is already shaping here:

A developing spathe and flower in morning daylight. 

With some artificial light.
 Most of what I have learned about this plant thus far comes from thefloweringexpert and ourhouseplants.  In general, my approach is to keep it on my west-facing window sill in the winter months, then move it back to the kitchen table in the summer months.  I water all of my plants to some degree at least once a week, which seems to be working out fine for this one.  There is only some damage to it, which you can see in the second image, some browning of a leaf.  All of the other leaves seem fine, though.  I'm not sure when the browning occurred, maybe it was getting too much direct sunlight in the summer, or perhaps I missed it in some of my weekly waterings.

The base of the plant appears similar to an orchid.

One leaf with some brown damage.
I'm looking forward to this blooming again at which point I will post some photos of the lovely waxy, bright red spathes!